

Breach of information systems security is an established reality for most companies in the world. With all information and transactions online, companies struggle to find a balance between enabling business and erecting security barriers. In such an environment, it is not enough to have just the IT security team aware of threats and countermeasures; it is incumbent on all employees to contribute to a higher security posture for the organisation, through correct process and due diligence. A basic cyber security workshop helps in building awareness, understanding data security measures, tips and tricks of the trade and how to respond to such threats.


Ransomware is a computer malware that installs covertly on a victim's computer, executes a code that effectively encrypts the contents of the computer, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt it, or sometimes not publish sensitive information on the computer. Thus, ransomware is a denial-of-access attack that prevents computer users from accessing files since it is not possible to decrypt files without the requisite key. The workshop on ransomware educates students on cause and prevention, types of attacks, their impacts and response, and also elucidates the technology link between Bitcoins and Ransomware.


Active shooting and lone wolf terrorism is an increasing threat. Every year, world over, thousands of people die or get injured due to active shooter events. The United States Department of Homeland Security defines an ‘active shooter’ as an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. The "Active Shooter Workshop" increases awareness of such incidents and their response, to prepare effective strategies for emergencies and improving coordination with law enforcement, both of which could make the difference between life and death. The training also helps understand and prepare for the aftermath of such an incident.


As India races towards becoming an economic superpower, the workplace has become a much more diverse environment. Women now represent 25% of the total workforce in India, their personal safety and security is becoming a central issue with corporate houses. To ensure maximum productivity at workplace, it is important to give preference to gender equality and a safe working environment for women.
Physical security focuses on the physical security of the women employees while they are on jobs or inside the workplace and in transit.
Environmental security compliments physical safety. It also focuses on gender equality and institutional policies like zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment at workplace.
Organizational security is creating a positive and hassle=free environment at the workplace where women feel secure and safe and are encouraged to put in their maximum effort with dignity and respect. It is the duty of the employees and the organization in general.
Educational security focuses on making women employees aware of the company’s policy on gender discrimination and sexual harassment. They should also be encouraged to report such instances without fear. Regular training on security and safety should be provided.


The workshop on safety and security of senior citizens involve tips on how to be safe at home, in the community and while travelling or doing basic chores. NSS has conducted workshops for the senior citizens at various residential complexes.



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